Sunday, 29 November 2015

Time Management

We have now managed to complete a rough cut of our music video. Unfortunately, we still have a few gaps that will require more filming. As a group we have come up with a few ideas to fill this space: more arguing, the girl moving on, him not wanting to let her go/get over her, more on the break up. We will film these shots on Monday or Wednesday. Also on Tuesday we are going to show our rough cut to a few people who we think reflect our target audience. Therefore, we need to come up with some questions to ask them (which I'll do tomorrow and post).

Promo Poster Analysis

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Time Management

According to the work flow we should have a complete rough cut of our video by tomorrow. Unfortunately, this will not be achievable by the end of the week mainly because we have been unable to obtain all of the footage we need and so a full edit will not possible. However, having said that in Tuesdays lesson we did do some editing of the introduction up to about 20 seconds. So while we won't have a full rough cut, hopefully we will be able to edit as much as the footage we do have will allow by the end of tomorrow, both in the lesson and also hopefully during my free. So far we have been completing the happy montage part at the beginning of the video and trying to match the edit to the beat of the song. We were planning on doing a major chunk of the lip syncing and performance section this week, but due to unavailability of actors this has not really happened. However, we have planned to have the whole day filming on Monday and so we will get all of the filming done in this time. And then we will need to work out a schedule to do editing so we can get a full rough cut complete by next Friday.

           (screenshots of editing in progress) 

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Risk Assessment

Before we go out filming we have done a risk assessment to ensure we all stay safe and to eliminate any potential hazards to us or the public.

Thursday, 5 November 2015


Music Video of the Week

This week I have chosen the video "She Said" by English rapper Plan B. One of the things I really like about this video is the use of movements and actions in order to emphasise the beat of the music; an example of this is the is the clicking and head movements of the jury. This therefore makes the video an amplification music video, also because whilst the visuals do not directly illustrate the lyrics they do add another layer of meaning. Furthermore, I think the way the lip synching part is incorporated into the narrative is really effective because it makes it feel more natural and the video flows well.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Time Management

Today we have managed to complete the animatic of our music video and now we just need to edit the pictures together along with the song. We have also completed a thorough risk assessment of all the different locations we will use. Afterwards we went out with the camera and did some practice shots of the band and tried out a few different locations we could use for that part. I also attempted to use camera movement techniques such as tracking backwards.